July 12, 2024

Future Proofing the Hospitality Industry

In the ever changing and dynamic hospitality industry, future-proofing the industry involves adapting to emerging trends and challenges while leveraging technology and sustainability, in other words embracing change.
April 14, 2024

The Imperative for Better Skilled Hospitality Professionals

In an era defined by globalisation, rapid technological advancements, and ever-evolving consumer preferences, within the hospitality industry the need for highly skilled professionals in hospitality is getting ever stronger. The demand for individuals equipped with a diverse skill set and a good understanding of industry trends has never been greater.
March 10, 2024

Optimistic Outlook – But Mounting Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most devastating crises of modern times, yet the travel and tourism industry managed to register a remarkable recovery, proving its resilience against all odds.
October 5, 2023

The Phoenicia Malta Recognized with Conde Nast Traveller’s 2023 Readers’ Choice Award

Condé Nast Traveler today announced the results of its annual Readers’ Choice Awards with Phoenicia Malta recognized as one of the Top 3 Hotels in Central and Southern Europe.
August 9, 2023

Excellent Results for Q1: Optimism for Rest of 2023

The quarter 1 2023 MHRA survey carried out by Deloitte and supported by Bank of Valletta was indeed positive in many aspects as the results were similar to those achieved in 2019 which was the best ever year for the Maltese islands.
June 10, 2023

For an Island Destination Air Connectivity will remain the Determining Factor

2022 arrived with connectivity at its lowest level, and rightly so, as it was near to impossible for visitors to come to Malta satisfying all the COVID health requirements in force at the time - especially given that these requirements seemed to change by the day and by the countries from which the traveller originated. Airlines reacted by cutting down on connectivity and Malta was no exception.
December 23, 2022

Will Winter 2022-2023 build further on the Results achieved in Summer of ‘22?

What a difference 6 months can make! We started 2022 with COVID still raging all around us. And with the hospitality industry feeling the pressures of two years of the pandemic. 
November 23, 2022

A Good Recovery for Hospitality but Challenges Ahead

As expected in Q1, all categories of hotels in Malta and Gozo had a very difficult time when compared to the record year of 2019. The Pandemic restrictions were more or less still in full force and the appetite for travelers to get on a plane and visit another country was very subdued.
September 17, 2022

Picking the Brain of an Expert

HORECA speaks to Tony Zahra, President of the MHRA, about life after COVID in Malta. Taking a look at the biggest changes that the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Industry adapted to and the ways of the future for Malta’s Tourism Industry.
December 12, 2021

MHRA calls for Wage Supplement Extension

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) states that some of  the hospitality industry could suffer irreparable damage if wage subsidies that support thousands of workers and which are in place till end 2021 are stopped by Government, and are not extended till at least March 2022.