
July 12, 2024

Future Proofing the Hospitality Industry

In the ever changing and dynamic hospitality industry, future-proofing the industry involves adapting to emerging trends and challenges while leveraging technology and sustainability, in other words embracing change.
April 14, 2024

The Imperative for Better Skilled Hospitality Professionals

In an era defined by globalisation, rapid technological advancements, and ever-evolving consumer preferences, within the hospitality industry the need for highly skilled professionals in hospitality is getting ever stronger. The demand for individuals equipped with a diverse skill set and a good understanding of industry trends has never been greater.
March 10, 2024

Optimistic Outlook – But Mounting Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most devastating crises of modern times, yet the travel and tourism industry managed to register a remarkable recovery, proving its resilience against all odds.
January 14, 2024

HORECA Interview: Arthur Grima, Marketing Director, MTA

"We cannot, and should not, engage in price-driven tourism. Instead, our focus is to offer a quality holiday experience."
November 26, 2023

The Reality of the Catering Industry in Malta

These are indeed very challenging times for catering operators with a host of pressing issues to deal with.
November 20, 2023

HORECA 101 – Navigating Challenges and Cultivating Growth in Malta’s Tourism Industry

The Maltese tourism industry, a cornerstone of the country’s economy, has been grappling with significant challenges, as highlighted by recent surveys from the Association of Catering Establishments (ACE) and The Malta Chamber.
November 14, 2023

Better Tourism, Not Bigger

In recent years, the global tourism industry has witnessed unprecedented growth, with more people travelling to exotic destinations than ever before. While this surge in tourist numbers has brought economic benefits to many regions, it has also raised concerns about the sustainability and impact of mass tourism on both the environment and local communities.
November 13, 2023

HORECA 101 – Ryan Galea

Welcome to the 13th Issue of HORECA Magazine, your steadfast companion in navigating the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the hotel, restaurant, and catering industry in Malta. As we delve into this edition, we are proud to introduce a new segment: Horeca 101.