Articles & Feature Interviews

June 4, 2022

Unpacking the Pixel: Malta’s New Tourism Strategy

At this critical time for hospitality, Malta Tourism Authority Chief Officer for Strategic Development and Deputy CEO Leslie Vella explains how the new tourism strategy for 2021-2030 will help the sector recover, rethink and revitalise.
June 4, 2022

The Essence of Coffee Luxury

The past couple of years have reinforced the need for coffee systems which minimise consumer fears over contamination. Safe solutions are a top priority in many sectors.
June 2, 2022

Malta Chefs Society

The Malta Chefs Society is the result of the unification of two chefs associations which understood the benefit of unity for the sake of the local chefs’ community.
June 2, 2022

A Master Chef’s Perspective Cooking on Gas with Sean Gravina

From starting out in sandwich shops to studying in London and making it to the MasterChef quarter finals, Sean Gravina has had a trendsetting career on the local culinary scene. Here, he looks back on some of the highlights and challenges, and opens up about what could lie ahead.
June 2, 2022

Cheers for the Grant, Government, but How do I Account for it?

Government – national, local, or beyond one’s shores, such as the EU through various schemes – often grant certain incentives to businesses, particularly when there is a strategy to promote or to provide some form of assistance to one of more specific sectors.
May 30, 2022

Institute of Tourism Studies: The Path towards Internationalisation

Throughout the years, the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) has always worked hard and strived towards its vision to train people for tomorrow’s international tourism industry.
May 25, 2022

Rediscover: A Strategic Masterplan for Tourism

In the post-pandemic world, the Malta Chamber’s new vision for tourism seeks to foreground quality experiences, focus on sustainability and develop close collaboration to regenerate the sector.
May 23, 2022

Malta and the Digital Nomad – A Recipe for Success

Not too long ago we lived in a world where work and travel operated in two separate spheres of life, often at the expense of one another. When the pandemic hit, everything changed.
November 24, 2021

Horeca Q&A with PL and PN Leaders

There is no denying the negative effect COVID 19 has had on all the Hospitality and Tourism industries. Horeca Magazine spoke to the leaders of the main political parties in Malta for their respective views on the situation and their ideas and plans as a way forward.
November 24, 2021

Transforming Tourism in Malta

After 24 years at the Malta Tourism Authority, Chief Marketing Officer Carlo Micallef is an eyewitness to the evolution of the island’s tourism sector.