October 17, 2024
‘It can be a wonderful journey in which you experience new and different wines, interact with some of the most memorable and impassioned people you can imagine and if approached correctly can also make an extremely decent return on your investment’
October 15, 2024
The dolphinfish, locally known as lampuki, holds a significant place in Malta's culinary and economic landscape. This fish, also referred to as mahi-mahi in other parts of the world, is not only a culinary delight but also a substantial contributor to the local fishing industry.
October 12, 2024
When you first hear of nature-based tourism in Malta, your reaction would probably be one of cynicism.
October 8, 2024
Imagine this: a large group of passengers finds out late at night that their flight won't be leaving until the next day. The hotel staff quickly becomes aware of the situation due to the influx of weary and frustrated guests.
October 2, 2024
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) is celebrating a significant milestone in 2024–the 25th anniversary of dedicated service since its inception. Over the past years, the MTA has been instrumental in transforming Malta into a premier tourist destination and fostering a sustainable future for the tourism industry.
September 30, 2024
The air was thick in a deep-seated passion, you could almost feel it in your bones. Raw and unfiltered, it stirred the room dark as we settled into the iconic yellow and black dining room at Casa Ellul’s Risette.
September 28, 2024
The last head count of eateries in Malta has circa 2,700 licensed with Visit Malta and an additional 700 with the Trade Licensing Unit. The latest population statistics in Malta state that we have a population of over 562,000 people.
September 27, 2024
Screen tourism–also known as film-induced tourism– refers to the phenomenon where tourists visit areas due to the locations being featured in any mass media.