All ingredients are not created equally – it is important to cherish and elevate the flavours and ingredients that are impactful to your cuisine. I felt I had forgotten the flavours of garlic, of caper, of olive until I remembered them here in Malta. The balance found in each of those ingredients was striking.
Without a reference it is easy to take an ingredient for granted – to overlook something of outstanding quality as the standard and not the outlier. Without seeking out and trying ingredients it is impossible to know ‘how’ something can taste – to build the mental map of the dish and add the ingredient to the symphony of flavours that you are striving to create.
In all my travels in Malta and beyond I have found that innovation is born out of an understanding and respect for tradition and history. To innovate is to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods or ideas. You cannot innovate without understanding what you are trying to innovate!
In an ever-modernizing world, traditional culinary practices and methodology are being lost at an alarming rate – it is essential to pursue opportunities to learn and share the knowledge afforded to you. A culinary community is what you make it and I was fortunate to experience the community here in Malta first hand – I am excited to see how things evolve next time I am in town.
As I continue on my journey I will hold the lessons I learned in Malta close to my heart. I encourage all who read this to seek out experiences that broaden their culinary horizons, to explore flavour with purpose, and to share the language of food with anyone who seeks to learn it.
Kevin Gregory
Kevin Gregory is a chef and restaurant consultant based in New York City. With a
hospitality degree from Cornell University and a certificate in pastry from Le Cordon
Bleu Paris, he travels the world exploring perspectives on baking and pastry. Reach
out to him on instagram: @thatchefkev
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