With such great success under their belt, the Zamco
team of experts are positioned as market leaders with the
capabilities, capacities, expertise and now experience to
embark on far more innovative and adventurous markets
through their established portfolio.
“Zamco Excellence reflects the services we have offered
so far. Zamco has become more of a household name,
branching out to every aspect of the horeca industry - from
commercial laundry appliances to top notch outdoor living
equipment we’re giving restaurants and catering facilities
every option to reach their full potential and expand their
in-house services with whatever innovative goals and
desires they can dream of.”
Through the company divisions of Kitchen Ware, Outdoor
Living, Laundry Appliances and Food Service Equipment,
Zamco Excellence stands tall as a major contributor to
our hospitality industry’s success and quality in service
and entertainment sector while through Zamco Industries’
packaging equipment, industrial services and manufacturing
solutions the ease and flexibility of a one-stop-shop creates
a higher standard within the sector.
Following founder George P Zammit’s mantra; “with hard
work, dedication and some foresight you can achieve
your dreams” - wise words that when taken seriously can
revolutionise the world, and surely innovate and skyrocket
the horeca industry, just as Zamco did.
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