Nominees for the STAR awards require a minimum number of nominations to be shortlisted as finalists. The nominee with the highest number of nominations in any given category is declared winner. This year, the STAR Service Awards Categories included Most Nominated Restaurant Employee, Most Nominated Visitor Attraction Employee, Most Nominated Accommodation Employee, Tourist Guide and Host Family. On the other hand, the Hotel Worker of the Year award is for personnel working within a hotel, irrespective of whether that person has direct contact with the tourist. Nominations for this award are submitted by hotel management.
This year’s winners of STAR Awards in the various categories are: Mr Mark Caruana from Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Mr Jorge Vicioso - tourist guide, Ms Ruby Amiana Bartolini - Ocean Basket, Ms Marilyn Credo - BB DeRohan, and Ms Marie Girlando winner in the host family category. The STAR awards also recognised the Esplora Interactive Science Centre as the most nominated visitor attraction, the Salini Resort as the most nominated accommodation, BB DeRohan as the most nominated small accommodation, and Ocean Basket as the most nominated restaurant.
The Hotel Worker of the Year award for 2019 was won by Ms Melissa Samburgo, a Guest Relations Manager at the Grand Hotel Excelsior. During the ceremony, a special recognition award was given to Mr William Hatherly for his contribution to the tourism sector. Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection Julia Farrugia Portelli congratulated all nominees and winners of the STAR Awards. Farrugia Portelli recognized the importance of high-quality service and tourism product in the hospitality industry which contributes to the country’s economic progress and well-being.
For more information on the STAR Awards or to nominate a person working in the tourism industry, visit: