Giuseppi's Bar & Bistro
- Salini Resort, Salina Bay Naxxar NXR 9030, Malta
- info@giuseppisrestaurant.com
- Website
1. Tell us about your educational background and your work experience to date.
Truth be told, I never had any formal training in the culinary arts. I am totally self taught. I started cooking in my mother’s kitchen from a very young age and have never really looked back. During sixth form I would work summers at our family restaurant Sardinella and that got me hooked to kitchen life. From there I moved to Giuseppi’s in Mellieha with my brother. 38 years later, I’m still in the kitchen at Giuseppi’s although in a different and much larger location. A good few years back my brother Karl and I took over Rubino in Valletta which is now ably looked after by my nephew Edward.
2. Why are you so passionate about being a Chef?
I suppose because I honestly find it so easy to cook. I still enjoy going to work, most days, and I honestly think that I can express myself better through food than words! Ask
my wife.
3. Mention five words to describe yourself and your work ethic.
Bold, kind, organised, serious and a bit crazy (in the kitchen).
4. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Certainly not lying on a beach. Hopefully still in my kitchen surrounded by my team.
5. Can you mention Chefs who have inspired you? What do you admire most about them?
I get inspired by all Chefs who work long and uncivil hours. I think our job is a killer and as I said above we all need to have a slight streak of madness in us to do this, day in day out for many many years and still enjoy it. So kudos to all Chefs. It would go amiss if I don’t mention my mother, Rita and her constant help at home, Giuseppa. They both played an important part in my choices.
6. What is your favourite dish to cook and why?
Not a question I like. I don’t really have any firm favourites or a signature dish. I think circumstance plays such an important part in what we create and when. On a summer evening at home, a plate of Spaghetti Rizzi with well chilled Sauvignon Blanc is perfect whilst on a bitterly cold night in winter maybe a Rabbit Stewed in Chocolate and Red Wine Sauce with a full bodied Brunello might do the trick.