Avril Spiteri

Avril Spiteri

Bachelor in International Hospitality Management

Q: Can you describe a project or assignment at ITS that you found particularly challenging or rewarding?

Something that I found both challenging and rewarding during my studies at ITS is the 3-month international internship. I went to Brussels in Belgium without any knowledge of French and German and I went by myself. It was a very challenging experience which helped me grow personally as well as professionally as I enhanced my interpersonal skills and work-related skills, such as leadership skills and teamwork skills. However, at the end of it all, I felt really proud of myself for doing something that was challenging and I remained resilient.


Q: How do you keep up with the latest trends in the hospitality and tourism industry?

Working in the hospitality industry especially in one of the leading hotel groups worldwide, allows me to stay informed, as well as different discussion topics at school with our lecturers. Following industry leaders on platforms like LinkedIn helps me stay well-informed about the latest trends. In my opinion, sustainability is the most talked about trend during these times as many hotels are aiming towards the Green-Key certificate as well.


Q: What role do you see technology playing in the future of hospitality and tourism?

Technology will play a more critical role in the future of the hospitality industry. Soon enough it might replace us human beings, especially in the front office department, mostly check-in and check-out duties. Even though technology might enhance the guests’ experience and keep operations going smooth, it will also emphasize the importance of human interaction.


Q:  How do you plan to contribute to the Maltese tourism industry once you graduate?

As I am a person who loves the village feasts, I would like to see more marketing on our beautiful traditions and appreciate more the talent and the planning that goes on behind the scenes to create the beautiful atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. Many tourists are unaware of these traditions, and I would like to create something that will allow the feasts to be more appreciated by foreigners.


Q: What challenges do you think the hospitality industry will face in the coming years?

The hospitality industry will soon face labour shortages as it is not attracting people to work in this sector. A decrease in the number of locals entering the industry is seen globally.


Q: What advice would you give to students about to embark on their first internship or work experience?

Being able to apply what you are learning or learnt in school, at work, is very rewardable. The first work experience is always exciting and might be a bit scary, however, never think less of yourself, you are more capable of doing the tasks than you give yourself credit for. Do not be afraid to ask questions, seek feedback, and remember

Institute for Tourism Studies

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Institute for Tourism Studies